
About Chessle

Chessle is a brand-new version for those who enjoy playing chess. In other words, Chessle is the spin-off of the original game Wordle!!. You have six chances to correctly guess a game's whole opening sequence. It's a nerdy game that requires you to have knowledge of chess. This game's basic premise is that you must predict the first three moves that both White and Black will make. Wordle!!-style color codes will then indicate where you got it right and where you got it wrong. If a player wants to alter the difficulty of the game, they can toggle between Normal and Hard levels.


Frankly speaking, learning chess is simple once you understand the rules. Knowing a few fundamental chess rules is helpful when playing the game. In comparison to other word games, Chessle is a bit more difficult in that you have to brainstorm and utilize your knowledge and experience as well.

How to play

Before beginning a game of chess, players must determine the move order. The foundation of the game is the Indian defense of Nimzo. The game can only be played once per day, and you will only be given six moves. The next round will begin at 12 p.m. in your time zone following your Chessle.

There are two ways to play the game of chess: standard mode and expert mode. In typical play, each player must make three educated guesses for each hue. In the expert mode, you must think of five moves for each color. Any mode that you wish to be selected can be. Pick the regular mode if this is your first time experimenting with it. Follow the above instructions to guarantee you have a nice experience.

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