
About Hogwartle

Hogwartle is a free online word guessing game Harry Potter version. This game is exclusively for fans of Harry Potter. The gameplay is similar to Wordle!!, guess a letter with 5 characters in 6 attempts. 

After each guess, the color of the tiles will change to show how close you are to the word.

Green crossword: the character is in the word and in the right place. 
Orange crossword: the character is in the word but in the wrong place. 
Gray crossword: The character is not in the word anywhere. 

Hogwartle is said to be an exact copy of Wordle!!, with the only difference being that we have a list of words derived from and made up of Harry Potter.
Hogwartle's puzzle update time is 12:00am local time, and you will receive 1 puzzle every day to solve. Play and experience the feeling of waiting for something every day!

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