
About Wheredle

Wheredle is a puzzle-find mysterious place game. The game is like a combination of GeoGuesr plus Wordle!!. You are dropped into a street view quiz to guess where this mysterious place is. You will be limited to the number of guesses.

To quickly guess correctly, pay attention to some highlights on the photo, such as:

  • Vibes
  • Markings on Public Transport
  • Business Names on Trucks or Vans
  • Landmarks
  • Terrain
  • Names on Businesses and Stores
  • Clothing of Pedestrians to determine season
  • Shape of Leaves on Trees to determine the Climate
  • Rooftops

A new Wheredle will be available each day!

How to play

Guess the state in 7 tries.
After each guess, you will see whether the guess was correct, or incorrect.
If the guess is incorrect, it will tell you which direction the correct solution is.
↗️ for North-East, ↙️ for South-West, and so on.

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