
About Custom Wordle!!

Custom Wordle!! is a clone of Wordle!! that lets players design their own games for others. In other words, you don’t need to guess the word; this is someone else's task. You are the game's creator, and your friends will be the players.

The same guidelines apply to customized Wordle!! as they do to the original. It consists of six rows of five word-filled squares. Even the colors are the same as in the original game: green for letters that are in the proper location, yellow for letters that are in the word but aren't in the appropriate spot, and grey for letters that don't work. Use letters like X or Q that aren't used as frequently to create a hard word.


In this version of Wordle!!, you can create and share your own words! The objective of the well-known game Wordle!! is to uncover the secret word in six tries. This variation enables you to create a link for a unique word that you can distribute to others. There is also support for longer words! It sounds fun, right?

How to play

In this game, what you need to do is totally different from what you did in the original version.

There are three blank boxes: Word, Max Tries, and Hint. Your task is to input the hidden word in the Word box, type the number of tries in the Max Tries box, and provide the clue in the Hint box. After that, press the "Create Game" button and share it with your friends.

In 6 tries, How can find the hidden flag at Flagle

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Custom Wordle gameCustom Wordle onlineCustom Wordle dailyCustom Wordle todayCustom Wordle hintCustom Wordle answer

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