
About Ordlig

Ordlig is the Swedish version of Wordle!!, where you get six tries to find a hidden word including a certain number of letters. To submit, type any word and press the Enter key. You can progress through the game with the help of colored tips. For instance, yellow indicates that you have chosen the right letter but placed it in the incorrect location. Green indicates that the letter is in the right spot and is correct. Like any other version of Wordle!!, Ordlig is an amazing game in which you need to brainstorm to find the final answer.


In fact, there are numerous copycats out there that have translated the game into different languages. Ordlig is thought of as a smart game that not only helps players learn more Swedish words but also keeps them entertained.

Ordlig is totally free to play. You can play it on PCs and mobile devices.

How to play

The game rules are pretty simple to play. Even first-time players can handle it.

In six tries, you find the hidden word. Ordlig has unlimited modes using 5, 6, and 7-character words to widen your choice.

This is a fun game. Once a day you can play one word, so it’s not going to suck up all your time.

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Ordlig gameOrdlig dailyOrdlig answerOrdlig online

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