
About Semantle

Unlike any other word game genre, Semantle is a definition-based search game created by David Turner. You are graded according to how closely your hypotheses resemble the goal term as you make them. Warmer guesses will be highlighted in green with a higher score, while colder guesses will appear colorless with a lower score.

How exactly is similarity evaluated? The Semantle-Space is made with Google's word2vec database, which puts words in a large space based on how they are usually used (called their "semantics").


It won't be an easy task to decipher the daily word in Semantle; it's challenging! Join in the fun with your friends and family to compete and demonstrate your Semantle ability.

How to play

Similar to other word games, Semantle provides a certain number of tries to guess. Each try must be a word. You can find out through Semantle how semantically related your term is to the hidden word. It's not about the spelling like that other word game; it's about the meaning.

The maximum level of similarity is 100. (indicating that the words are identical and you win). In reality, it's closer to -34 than the theoretically lowest value of -100.

At the bottom of your list of guesses, there is a "Hint" button (to the left of "Give up"). Unless you've correctly guessed every word in the nearest thousand except the target word, you'll get a term that is a little better than one of your best guesses.

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