Worgle is a fun and addicting word game that puts one's vocabulary and quick thinking to the test.

About Worgle
Worgle is a fun and addicting word game that puts one's vocabulary and quick thinking to the test. It's a fun, fast-paced game that can be enjoyed by gamers of all ages on a variety of devices (including PCs and mobile devices).
The player begins with either a 6x6 or 8x8 grid of letter tiles, depending on the difficulty setting. Each letter tile is worth a certain number of points, anywhere from one to five, based on how uncommon it is. The goal of this game is to see how many words you can make by linking together neighboring letters on the grid in a given amount of time (usually between 60 and 120 seconds).
Words can be made by linking letters in any direction, including horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. When a player forms a word, new tiles descend from above the grid and replace the ones that were used to spell the word, adding points to the player's total for each letter in the word. If time runs out or the player quits, play resumes from where it left off.